Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1773.09.16

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Index Entry Archbishop of Canterbury [t], tune of lyric [beg] Lack-a-day my muse has 
Location Annapolis 
16 Sep 1773:41 (1462)
A Paraphrase of the Latin Poem in the Week before last
paper, attempted.
To the tune of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
  A lack-a-day my muse has stray'd,
  Good people, tell me, saw ye her?
  I'll sing ye how, if sh'ell but aid,
  A poet trick'd a lawyer.
  . . . [3 verses]
  The lawyer saught another bard
  That writes you songs and verses,
  He begs for help, and cries so hard,
  And all the tale rehearses.
  . . . [5 more verses]

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1773.09.16 
Publisher Green, Anne Catharine and Son [Frederick Green] 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0019946
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